American Recovery and Reinvestment Act 2009 (ARRA)
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act 2009 has been passed as of Friday, February 13, 2009 (ARRA 2009).
It contains numerous investments (i.e.,government spending) in infrastructure, science, healthcare, education, energy, and protecting the "vulnerable".
How will this affect consumerism? Sustainability? Green initiatives? Where will people demand their money be invested? Which industries will be supported by the act and which will slide? How will this impact the way money managers make decisions, rebalance portfolios, establish new strategies?
What are the best mutual funds to invest in for 2009? Will it be large cap or small cap, international or domestic, growth or value, aggressive or conservative, or emerging markets?

How will this affect consumerism? Sustainability? Green initiatives? Where will people demand their money be invested? Which industries will be supported by the act and which will slide? How will this impact the way money managers make decisions, rebalance portfolios, establish new strategies?
What are the best mutual funds to invest in for 2009? Will it be large cap or small cap, international or domestic, growth or value, aggressive or conservative, or emerging markets?